Stage 4

The obtained results in the 4th stage of the complex project were achieved for all component projects, the indicators being achieved for each activity, in accordance with the work plan adapted to the funding period.

The obtained results by the Component 1 Project focused on a series of experimental impact compression tests of some AlSi10 aluminum foams with unreinforced steel mesh faces (UR) and reinforced sideways, respectively transversely. All investigated samples showed progressive deformation mechanisms. The investigated foams have a brittle matrix at room temperature, which changes into a ductile one as the test temperature rises to 350° C. The results of this stage, regarding the dynamic behavior of the reinforced cellular materials were disseminated in an article in the journal Composites Part A from Q1 with impact factor 6.444. Some of the obtained results for the characterization of sandwich structures were presented in an article published in Materials Today: Proceedings (ISI indexed). Writing an article on the mechanical behavior of ceramic foams, obtained in the component 2 project and tested for compression in the component 1 project is in progress

The current stage of the component 2 Project focused on the outdoor implementation and testing of materials with reduced absorption / reflection of UV-VIS-NIR radiation. The paints with white pigments based on titanium oxide and zinc oxide were obtained in the research laboratories of SC AZUR SA. Materials with potential absorption capacity and photocatalytic degradation of air pollutants, based on titanium dioxide and palladium, were implemented and tested indoor and outdoor. The antimicrobial properties of gold ion-coated materials were also studied. The investigated coatings were deposited cellular glass, a stable material with good compressive strength having a number of advantages, such as water resistance, vapor resistance, pest resistance, etc.

The research from Component 3 Project was focused on 4 directions of action:

  • performed modeling and testing by numerical simulation of an electricity distribution network in c.c, at neighborhood level, as a proposal to extend the “smart grid” type networks of c.c.
  • integration in the distribution network of some consumers adapted for the supply to direct voltage.
  • finalizing the implementation of the monitoring and control system both for the d.c. distribution network and for the physical quantities followed in the analysis of the performances of the implemented facades (temperatures, humidity and CO2 concentrations).
  • performing extensive tests of the equipment put into operation and of the software elements related to the applications.

The activities of the Component 4 Project practically continued the activities from the third stage. Thus, in the first part of stage IV / 2020, the wind turbine and the support structure and the photovoltaic slats were installed in the Experiementarium. For the proper operation of the wind turbine, tests were performed on an experimental micro-grid model with direct current energy distribution integrated in the "smart grid" type system. Monitoring of the experimental data was continued, in order to follow the variations given by the temperature, humidity and CO2 concentration sensors. Energy production due to the production of photovoltaic panels on the roof was also monitored. Once the energy systems of the wind turbine and the photovoltaic panels are connected, it will be possible to monitor the energy production given by these systems.

In parallel, the monitoring of solar collectors was carried out by the Faculty of Installations Engineering, UTCB. The monitoring was performed based on initial numerical simulations and the realization of an experimental stand.

In order to illustrate the environmental benefit offered by the thermal insulation system obtained from wadding from recycled PET, in this phase an LCA type analysis was performed, comparing the results obtained with the results obtained for a classic mineral wool system, the results indicating the fact that the total impact of the PET_150 insulation system (438.09 kg CO2eq) is less than the environmental impact of MW_100 (864.86 kg CO2eq) by approximately 48%.

The main conclusions of Component 4 Project show that in order to build low environmental impact buildings with moderate construction costs, a holistic approach is needed, integrating interdisciplinary analysis and multi-object optimization. The holistic approach to the design of the experimental module involved the adoption of different criteria on sustainable construction, such as resource efficiency, materials efficiency, environmentally conscious design, building life cycle design, use of reusable / recyclable materials, modularity and standardization in design, ecological demolition methods, recycling and reuse of waste, taking into account the cost of construction over the life cycle, the cost of materials, the health and well-being of occupants.


  1. Cornea, D. Hulea, N. Muntean, Convertoare hibride de curent continuu, Editura Politehnica, 2019, ISBN 978-606-35-0333-7.

Articole în jurnale indexate ISI

  1. Buzatu Raluca Ioana, Ungureanu Daniel-Viorel, Ciutina Adrian Liviu, Gireada Mihaita Constantin, Vitan Danut, Petran Ioan. Experimental evaluation of energy-efficiency in a holistically 2 designed building, Energies, ISSN 1996-1073 (in curs de evaluare).
  2. S. Bejan, C. Teodosiu, C.V. Croitoru, T. Catalina, I. Nastase. Experimental investigation of transpired solar collectors with/without phase change materials, Solar Energy, 478-490, 2021, , WOS:000608704600001.
  3. Hulea, O. Cornea, N. Muntean, and B. Fahimi. A bidirectional hybrid switched inductor converter with wide voltage conversion range. IET Power Electronics, 2021, vol. n/a, no. n/a, doi: 10.1049/pel2.12138, WOS:000658651100001.
  4. Vasile Mînzatu, Corneliu Mircea Davidescu, Adina Negrea, Petru Negrea, Mihaela Ciopec, Cosmin Vancea, Cellular glass as inertization alternative for the exhausted composite adsorption material resulted from the removal of arsenic from waste waters, Revista Romana de Materiale, 2019, 49(2), pp. 193-200, ISSN:1583-3186 (IF 0.542). WOS:000474908300004
  5. Novaconi Stefan, Rus Stefania, Ivanovici Madalina Gabriela, The effect of direct simulated solar irradiation on the thermal and optical behavior of the cellular glass coated with WO3-based painting, Energy and Buildings, ENB-D-21-01247, 2021 (IF = 4.87).
  6. Novaconi Stefan, Ivanovici Madalina Gabriela, Rus Stefania. Predictable building enveloping based on passive reactive functionalized TiO2 glass foam, Journal of Building Engineering, JBE-D-21-01551, 2021 (IF = 3.38).
  7. Maria Mihailescu, Petru Negrea, Narcis Duteanu, Adina Negrea, Mihaela Ciopec, Vasile Gherman, Ramona Buzatu, Marilena Motoc, From the Complex Process of Gold Ions Recovery in New Antimicrobial Product, Revista de Chimie, 2019, 70, nr. 3, ISSN:0034-7752 (IF = 1.755). DOI: 10.37358/RC.19.3.7068 WOS:000464911600070
  8. Cosmin Vancea, Maria Mihailescu, Adina Negrea, Giannin Mosoarca, Mihaela Ciopec, Narcis Duteanu, Petru Negrea, Vasile Minzatu, Batch and Fixed-Bed Column Studies on Palladium Recovery from Acidic Solution by Modified MgSiO3, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 220, 17, 9500 (IF = 2.849) DOI:3390/ijerph17249500, WOS:000602790200001
  9. Oana Grad, Mihela Ciopec, Adina Negrea, Narcis Duteanu, Petru Negrea, Raluca Voda, Evaluation of Performance of Functionalzed Ambertile XAD7 with Dibenzo-18-Crown Ether-6 for Palladium Recovery, Materials, 2021, 14(4), 1003, DOI: 10.3390/ma14041003 (IF = 3.057).
  10. Cristina Valean, Corina Sosdean, Liviu Marsavina, Emanoil Linul, Mechanical characterization of lightweight foam-based sandwich panels, Materials Today: Proceedings, Vol. 45 (5), 2021, Pages 4166-4170. DOI:, WOS:000655645500015.
  11. Emanoil Linul, Daniel Pietras, Tomasz Sadowski, Liviu Marsavina, Dipen Kumar Rajak, Jaroslav Kovacik, Crashworthiness performance of lightweight Composite Metallic Foams at high temperatures, Composites Part A, Vol. 149, 2021, 106516, DOI:, (IF= 6.444).

Conferinţe internaţionale şi naţionale

  1. Sima, C., Teodosiu, C., Croitoru, C. and Bode, F. Analysis of numerical and experimental results of a solar glazed air collector configuration in Romania climate. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 664, No. 1, p. 012085). IOP Publishing, 2021, DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/664/1/012085 (indexat ISI).
  2. Sima, C., Teodosiu, C., Croitoru, C. and Bode, F. Experimental study of heat transfer inside a real scale innovative air solar collector. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 664, No. 1, p. 012007). IOP Publishing, 2021, DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/664/1/012007 (indexat ISI).
  3. Berville, C., Fokone, A.T., Sima, C.I. and Croitoru, C.V. Mesh independency study for an unglazed transpired solar collector. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 664, No. 1, p. 012059). IOP Publishing, 2021, DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/664/1/012059 (indexat ISI).
  4. Teodosiu, C., Sima, C., Bode, F. and Croitoru, C. Analysis of velocity and temperature fields inside an air solar collector–A numerical approach. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 664, No. 1, p. 012008). IOP Publishing, 2021, DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/664/1/012008 (indexat ISI).
  5. Ciutina, M. Mirea, A. Ciopec, V. Ungureanu, R. Buzatu, R. Morovan. Behaviour of wedge foundations under axial compression. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 664, No. 1, p. 012036). IOP Publishing, 2021, DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/664/1/012036 (indexat ISI).
  6. Buzatu, D. Muntean, V. Ungureanu, A. Ciutina, M. Gireadă, D. Vitan. Holistic energy efficient design approach to sustainable building using monitored energy management system. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 664, No. 1, p. 012037). IOP Publishing, 2021, DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/664/1/012037 (indexat ISI).
  7. Ciutina Adrian Liviu, Mirea Monica, Ciopec Alexandra, Morovan Raul, Comportarea Fundațiilor Prefabricate cu Fețe Înclinate la Compresiune Axiala, A XIV-A conferință națională de geotehnică și fundații, iunie 2021, ISBN 978-606-23-1250-3.
  8. Cosmin Vancea, Petru Negrea, Materiale de construcţii adaptate schimbǎrilor climatice, Proiect Nr. 30PCCDI/2018 “Clădiri inteligente adaptabile la efectele schimbărilor climatice CIA_CLIM”, Simpozionul Enviromental Protection and Education in Ecological Engineering EP-E3, 5 iunie 2021, eveniment organiza cu ocazia Zilei Mondiale a Mediului (prezentare).
  9. Cosmin Vancea, Giannin Moșoarcă, Adina Negrea, Marius Jurca, Petru Negrea, Materiale celulare ecologice cu proprietăți dirijate, Simpozionului Naţional "Calitatea Produselor şi Serviciilor P.S*20”, 10 noiembrie 2020, Timişoara, eveniment organizat ȋn cadrul Sǎptǎmȃnii Europene a Calitǎţii, sub egida Asociaţiei Generale a Inginerilor din Romȃnia – Sucursala Timiş (prezentare).




  1. Morovan Raul, Behavior of lightweight steel structures with Precast tapered foundations, MsC Thesis, 2021.