Stage 1
The results obtained in the first stage of this complex project were achieved in all component projects, the indicators being fulfilled for each activity.
The first component project identified the typologies of materials that can be integrated for the facades used for the experimental laboratory. The sorting of the results was based on several criteria, such as the market systems availability, thermal insulation degree and load-bearing capacity. In the second analysis phase, the materials proposed for closure were tested in parallel using experimental static tests (compression, bending and stretching) and toughness. The results show that the mechanical properties of sandwich panels depend both on the coating (aluminum, PVC or textile) but also on the panel core (PIR, PUR, MF foams, expanded polystyrene).
The second component project analyzes were focused on low thermal conductivity materials synthesis was structured on three directions of action:
- porous glass products - recipes for porous glass synthesis using two types of glass waste - glass panes and kinescope tube, together with other common wastes (fly ashes). The obtained results confirm the viability of the proposed solution;
- porous glass-ceramic products obtained using glass wastes (glass panes and CRT glass) together with fly ash from thermal power plant, previously used as adsorbent material. The results highlight that it is possible to obtain glass ceramic products with very good chemical resistance under economically advantageous conditions;
- coating deposition on porous glass substrate: TiO2 and WO3, synthesized in laboratory conditions by obtaining TiO2 and WO3 nanocrystals at temperatures lower than 250 ° C and pressures below 100 bars.
The third component project performed an analysis of the “smart grid” systems implementation on the facades of light structures. This phase established the voltage levels for the electricity distribution in d.c., the supply network structure and the consumers requirements. The main components were modeled: necessary static converters, electricity storage elements, new generators for the conversion of renewable energies, as well as the main control elements.
The fourth component project, carried out the following tasks:
- architectural optimization of the mobile modular laboratory EXPERIMENTARIUM, by ideal orientation towards the cardinal points and optimal roof inclinations in order to maximize the energy input given by the photovoltaic panels;
- resistance structure design for the mobile modular laboratory EXPERIMENTARIUM. The structural solution was chosen in frames made of lightweight cold profiles elements. This solution has multiple advantages, including quick and easy installation, no need for heavy equipment etc. In addition, the system transmits low loads to the foundations and the foundation ground;
- infrastructure design made through innovative foundation systems, on prefabricated foundations in the pyramid trunk shape, introduced into the soil by vibropressing. During the stage, soil research was also performed through geotechnical studies;
- studies on facade systems. Solar absorbing systems were considered and optimization studies were performed based on finite element analyzes for integration into the experimental model.
Book chapters
Articles published in international journals
- Kovácik Jaroslav, Liviu Marșavina, Emanoil Linul (2018): Poisson’s Ratio of Closed-Cell Aluminium Foams. Materials, 2018, Vol. 11, Fascicola 10, ISSN: 1996-1944.
- Raluca Legian, Adrian Ciutina, Viorel Ungureanu (2018): Sustainable Design of a Light Steel Structure. Acta Technica Napocensis: Civil Engineering & Architecture, Volume 61, No. 1 (2018).
Articles published in international conferences
- Dan Hulea, Babak Fahimi, Nicolae Muntean, Octavian Cornea (2018): High Ratio Bidirectional Hybrid Switched Inductor Converter using Wide Bandgap Transistors. EPE 2018 ECCE Europe: 20th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, Riga, Latvia, 17-21 September 2018, Proceedings ISBN 978-9-0758-1528-3, IEEE catalog number: CFP 18850-ART.
- Dan Hulea, Octavian Cornea, Nicolae Muntean (2018): Energy Management Strategy for Supercapacitor Storage using a Nonlinear Virtual Impedance. EPE 2018 ECCE Europe: 20th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, Riga, Latvia, 17-21 September 2018, Proceedings ISBN 978-1-5386-4198-9/18.
- Andrei Bejan, Mihnea Sandu, Laurentiu Tacutu, Cristiana Croitoru, Ilinca Nastase (2018): Airflow study inside an enclosure with a PCM wall and a solar collector. Roomvent&Ventilation 2018 Espoo, Finland, 2-7 June 2018, ISBN 978-952-5236-48-4.
- Liviu Marșavina, Octavian Pop, Raluca Pepelan (2018): Mark tracking technique for experimental determination of fracture parameters. 22th European Conference on Fracture: Loading and Environmental effects on Structural Integrity, Belgrade, Serbia, 26-31 August 2018.
- Andrei Bejan, Florin Bode, Catalin Teodosiu, Cristiana Croitoru and Ilinca Nastase (2018): Numerical model of a solar ventilated facade element: experimental validation, final parameters and results. The 5th Edition EENVIRO - Sustainable Solutions for Energy and Environment 2018, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 9-13 October 2018 (Accepted for publication in Environment, energy and earth sciences web of conferences, eISSN: 2267-1242, Publisher: EDP Sciences).
- Marius Adam, Daniel M. Muntean, Miodrag Popov, Daniel Grecea and Viorel Ungureanu (2018): Integrated energy efficient cooling solutions for large prefabricated panels collective dwellings from the 1970. The 5th Edition EENVIRO -Sustainable Solutions for Energy and Environment 2018, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 9-13 October 2018 (Accepted for publication in Environment, energy and earth sciences web of conferences, eISSN: 2267-1242, Publisher: EDP Sciences).
- Ion Murgescu, Lucia-Andreea El-Leathey, Rareș-Andrei Chihaia, Gabriela Cîrciumaru (2018): Efficient Energy Use and Storage Practices within Residential Facilities for Compliance with the nZEB Criteria. The 5th Edition EENVIRO -Sustainable Solutions for Energy and Environment 2018, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 10-13 October 2018 (Accepted for publication in Environment, energy and earth sciences web of conferences, eISSN: 2267-1242, Publisher: EDP Sciences).
- Lucia-Andreea El-Leathey, Rares-Andrei Chihaia, Ion Murgescu, Gabriela Circiumaru, and Adrian Nedelcu (2018): Analysis of a low-voltage operating microgrid located in a residential area. The 5th Edition EENVIRO -Sustainable Solutions for Energy and Environment 2018, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 10-13 October 2018 (Accepted for publication in Environment, energy and earth sciences web of conferences, eISSN: 2267-1242, Publisher: EDP Sciences).
- Rareș - Andrei Chihaia, Lucia-Andreea El-Leathey, Gabriela Cîrciumaru and Nicolae Tănase (2018): Increasing the energy conversion efficiency for shrouded hydrokinetic turbines using experimental analysis on a scale model. The 5th Edition EENVIRO -Sustainable Solutions for Energy and Environment 2018, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 10-13 October 2018 (Accepted for publication in Environment, energy and earth sciences web of conferences, eISSN: 2267-1242, Publisher: EDP Sciences).
- Andrei Bejan, Florin Bode, Tiberiu Catalina and Catalin Teodosiu (2018): Mesh independency study for an elementary perforated panel part of an air solar collector. DSC 2018: 1st Conference of the UTCB Doctoral School, Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest, Romania, 26 October 2018.
- Norbert Csaba Szekely, Mircea Bojan, Sorin Ionut Salcu, Petre Dorel Teodosescu (2018): LED performance analysis under various current waveforms. ECAI 2018 – International Conference 10th Edition: Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence, Iasi, Romania, 28-30 Iunie 2018.
- Andrei Bejan, Cristiana Croitoru, Mihnea Sandu, Ilinca Nastase, Florin Bode (2018): Solar ventilated façade with PCM integration for air preheating. The 15th Conference of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality & Climate (INDOOR AIR) 2018, Philadelphia, USA, 22-27 July 2018 (Long abstract and poster).
- Paulina Vlazan, Paula Sfirloaga, Daniel Ursu, Mihaela Birdeanu, Maria Poienar, Rus Florina Stefania, Novaconi Stefan (2018): Bismuth doping effects on structural and morphological properties of sodium titanate system. ISAEP 2018: 24th International Symposium on Analytical and Environmental Problems, Szeged, Hungary, 8-9 October 2018, Proceedings ISBN 978-963-306-623-2 (Short abstract and poster).
- Florina Ştefania Rus, Petru Negrea, Paulina Vlăzan, Ştefan Novaconi (2018): Synthesis and characterization TIO2 powders and thin film obtained by solvothermal method for applications in environment friendly building material technologies. ISAEP 2018: 24th International Symposium on Analytical and Environmental Problems, Szeged, Hungary, 8-9 October 2018, Proceedings ISBN 978-963-306-623-2 (Short abstract and poster).